The Story Behind the Tenderchomps Name
Me and my sweet chuggle, Ellie
Ever since I started my business in the winter of 2022, I’ve gotten one question more than any other. How much do you charge? No. Why all the emo music? Nope! How does painting a mural work, exactly? Nah. Everyone wants to know: What does Tenderchomps mean?
I’ve never written a business blog before, so sharing the story behind the Tenderchomps name seems like a good place to get started.
The Search for a Name
Naming a business is hard. I see lots of businesses opt for something simple that includes their full name. “Tim Lynch Designs” didn’t excite me. I tossed around some other ideas vaguely related to the emo music that inspires many of my designs, but I didn’t want to limit my path in case I end up moving away from that genre in the future. Nothing felt quite right.
Where Does “Tenderchomps” Come From?
Promise not to laugh? This story might sound silly.
My wife and I have three rescue dogs, all pug mixes. The biggest is Ellie, our sweet, shy girl, who is 25% pug, 25% beagle, 12.5% chow chow, and a bunch of miscellaneous hound. Ellie was about 2.5 years old when we got her and she had no idea how to play with a toy. She still doesn’t! When presented with a toy, Ellie gently picks it up and slowly gives it a soft, tender chomp. It’s rare for her to pick up a toy, so when she does attempt to play, my wife and I will poke each other and excitedly say “look! Tender chomps!”
I don’t recall how we first started considering the phrase “tender chomps” as a viable business name, but in no time at all, it became a strong contender.
Why I Stuck with Tenderchomps
While the origin of the name may seem silly, there are practical reasons I ended up sticking with the name Tenderchomps. Here are a few of the factors I considered when making my decision:
It’s easy to spell – “Tenderchomps” is two real words and both are easy to spell.
It’s unique – Have you heard of another business called Tenderchomps? When vending at the NAMI walk recently, one passerby said, “Tenderchomps? What a bomb name.” Thanks, stranger!
It’s short and simple – It fits on things like business cards and banners, and rolls off the tongue easily. I didn’t want a long, clunky name.
It’s memorable – “Tenderchomps” is a nice blend of familiar words and an evocative image. Plus, it’s unusual enough that it sticks in your brain!
It has personality – Whatever “Tenderchomps” calls to mind for someone, it’s unlikely to be boring! When vending at craft shows, it’s fun to see people read the name on my tablecloth or business cards, then slowly smile.
No negative connotations – The components of “Tenderchomps” have their own meanings, of course. “Tender” is associated with sweetness and gentleness; “chomp” is a verb meaning “to chew vigorously.” A strange combination, but nothing glaring that would turn customers off.
A limited edition Tenderchomps sticker featuring Ellie, designed in 2022
Despite the seemingly silly backstory, it’s all thanks to Ellie that I found a business name that makes a lot of sense from a branding and marketing perspective. I’m proud to call my business Tenderchomps and I hope the name will continue to serve me well over the coming years.
Since I’m new to writing a blog for my art business, I’m open to suggestions on what topics you’d like to hear about! Send me a message with your suggestions or questions!